Carer support & respite
Independent User
Ticket holders who have mild learning disabilities and require no on-site supervision can attend independently subject to advance completion of a respite disclaimer form. This needs to be completed and signed by a parent or keyworker on the day if dropping off or before the date of the event if travelling independently, without a carer, and returned to us by email. To obtain a form, please e-mail us at [email protected]. We will confirm by-email once we have received the form and that we are expecting you.
Volunteer Support
Ticket holders who have mild/moderate learning disabilities requiring minimal on-site supervision, can attend with the support of one of our volunteers, subject to advance completion of a respite disclaimer form . This needs to be completed and returned to us by e-mail before the date of the event so that we can allocate a volunteer (subject to availability). We will confirm by-email once we have received the form and that we are expecting you. We require a signature on the form from a parent or keyworker – if an e-signature is not present, the form can be signed on the day of the event at drop off during registration.
Carer Support
For young people 16+ and adults with severe learning disabilities, we are able to signpost families to care agencies that we have used ourselves in the past. If you are self funding, in receipt of direct payments or Universal Credit and would like on-site support for an Activity Day or for any of our events, please email us. To obtain a form for Independent User or Volunteer Support, or to enquire about care agencies, please e-mail us at [email protected].
Activity Station Terms and Conditions apply.